
‘Missing’ woman was hiding in her house

July 8, 2014

HESPERIA — A 43-year-old woman who authorities were searching for since Sunday night after leaving a suicide note, claims she was hiding in her house the whole time, police said. The woman emerged from a crawl space under her home Monday around midnight, said Undersheriff Tim Priese of the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office. A male resident was home at the…

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Ferwerda wins Pure Michigan photo contest

July 8, 2014
Ferwerda wins Pure Michigan photo contest

LANSING – Out of approximately 2,000 photos of Michigan beaches submitted to Pure Michigan through Instagram, Twitter and, Gina Ferwerda of Silver Lake won the Pure Michigan Beach Instagram Challenge with her beautiful photo of kayakers at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes. The kayakers in the photo are Ferwerda’s daughter, Ariana, and her friends on their last day at…

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Happy 238th birthday America!

July 4, 2014
Happy 238th birthday America!

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and…

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July 3, 2014

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor. HART – The following were arraigned Wednesday in front of the 78th District Court Magistrate: Felony –      Isreal Villarreal, 26, of 8389 N. Oceana Dr., Hart, was arrested June 18 by the State, Sheriffs, Chiefs, Enforcement of Narcotics Team (SSCENT) for a felony of controlled substance, delivery/manufacture of cocaine, less than 50 grams. A preliminary…

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District Court sentencings

July 2, 2014

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor. HART – The following were sentenced this week in 78th District Court: –      Tracy Lynn Miller, 31, of 3751 Washington Rd., Pentwater, was found guilty June 30 of operating while intoxicated. She was sentenced to 93 days discretionary jail; outpatient treatment; $1,665 in fines and costs; six months probation; no alcohol/drugs; and subject to counseling/testing/searches…

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