
Death by heroin case dismissed, but expected to be re-filed; similar case remains active

August 19, 2015
Death by heroin case dismissed, but expected to be re-filed; similar case remains active

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor. HART — The felony case against a 29-year-old Midland man accused of delivery of heroin causing death was dismissed but is expected to be re-filed, according to Oceana County Prosecutor Joseph Bizon. A similar case against a 24-year-old man currently lodged in prison on an unrelated charge remains active. Daniel Ryan Murphy’s case was dismissed…

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ESD expands ag program; college discussing partnering with MSU.

August 19, 2015
ESD expands ag program; college discussing partnering with MSU.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief. VICTORY TOWNSHIP (Mason County) — Agricultural education in this area is seeing a resurgence. The West Shore Educational Service District is expanding it agricultural science program to Mason County while West Shore Community College is in talks with Michigan State University to provide an agricultural technology program here. Beginning this fall, the ESD’s Career Technology Education…

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Good Samaritans assist with kayak rescue

August 18, 2015
Good Samaritans assist with kayak rescue

PENTWATER — Two Good Samaritans assisted a Pentwater police officer Monday afternoon, Aug. 17, with the safe return of three kayakers from the choppy waters of Lake Michigan. A 28-year-old Grand Rapids woman and two 16-year-old girls, who were wearing life jackets, were able to swim safely back to shore. Pentwater police officer Nathan DeWeerd was dispatched to the water…

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Charges pending in assault case

August 18, 2015
Charges pending in assault case

ROTHBURY — Charges are pending stemming from an assault that occurred Monday afternoon, Aug. 17, in the parking lot at the Wesco convenience store, according to the Hart post of the Michigan State Police. The police report has been forwarded to the Oceana County Prosecutor’s Office for review. In addition to an assault charge, a charge of driving while license…

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Door to unoccupied home kicked in; police seek info

August 18, 2015
Door to unoccupied home kicked in; police seek info

WEARE TWP. — The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a break-in to an unoccupied home at 975 W. Washington Rd. that was reported Thursday, Aug. 13, said Lt. Craig Mast. A neighbor boy saw that the home’s door was ajar, and his parents contacted the realtor who has the house listed for sale. Deputies met with the realtor, Mast…

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