Blog Archives

New coalition addresses growing substance abuse problem in Oceana County.

May 17, 2016
New coalition addresses growing substance abuse problem in Oceana County.

HART — Oceana County’s new Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition recently held its first planning meeting, with about 20 coalition members in attendance Coalition members represented a variety of community sectors including: law enforcement, school administration, local businesses, healthcare professionals, parents, and others. All were passionate and excited to make a positive impact in the community by reducing drug and alcohol…

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$3.2 million village street project moves forward.

May 17, 2016
$3.2 million village street project moves forward.

Contributed by Ron Beeber. PENTWATER — Attendees at a public forum Monday, May 16, at the village hall heard about a large project geared at repairing the village streets. Most streets in the village will be sealed, rehabbed or reconstructed in a coordinated effort over five years as part of the Pentwater Street Improvement Plan. Municipal bond rates are at…

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Historical society celebrates museum’s 3rd anniversary.

May 17, 2016
Historical society celebrates museum’s 3rd anniversary.

PENTWATER — On Saturday, May 28, the Historical Museum will open its doors at noon to start its Third Anniversary Celebration. The museum is a destination point for visitors; a gathering place for the community; and a unique display of Pentwater pride. This year, the museum offers some newly-acquired ‘old’ signs from various businesses, as well as a huge salt…

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Police investigate money theft.

May 16, 2016
Police investigate money theft.

GRANT TOWNSHIP — Troopers from the Hart post of the Michigan State Police are investigating a larceny of money from the 5000 block of Water Road reported Friday, May 13, at 6:15 p.m. Other recent local law enforcement activity includes: Wednesday, May 11, 2016: – 10:30 a.m., (Hart Police Department), an assault and battery involving two female juveniles, no injuries,…

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Whew! asparagus fields spared from damaging frost.

May 16, 2016
Whew! asparagus fields spared from damaging frost.

By Allison Scarbrough. Editor. OCEANA COUNTY — Despite the cold weather snap this May, asparagus farmers around the county are “breathing a sigh of relief” after last weekend’s frost threat, said Executive Director of the Michigan Asparagus Council John Bakker. With a frost warning for Saturday night issued by the National Weather Service and a dusting of snow, asparagus fields…

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