Posts Tagged ‘ Letter to the Editor ’

Letter to the Editor: What Makes America Great?

May 11, 2017

Constitutional attorney to speak Monday at SHS. Dear Editor: When did you last read the US Constitution? What about the Declaration of Independence? Have you ever read The Federalist Papers? In her book, “Sovereign Duty,” KrisAnne Hall writes, “We must heed the warnings of history and make every effort to pass on the gift of Liberty to future generations. We…

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Community foundation urges ESD to accept county bid for building.

April 22, 2017

Community foundation urges ESD to accept county bid for building. #LettertotheEditor   #OceanaCounty #WestShoreEducationalServiceDistrict #CommunityFoundationofOceanaCounty Dear Editor: The Community Foundation for Oceana County (CFOC) – strives to make our community a stronger, healthier, more vibrant place to live. It’s in that spirit that we, on behalf of our board of trustees, have urged the West Shore Educational School District (WSESD)…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks