Arts & Culture

Bluhm to speak about artist Manierre Dawson at Muskegon museum.

April 27, 2015

MUSKEGON — West Shore Community College Professor Emeritus and author Sharon Bluhm will speak about Riverton Township artist Manierre Dawson on Thursday, April 30. “Manierre Dawson: Engineering Abstraction,” an exhibition of works by a pioneer in American abstract painting, will open at the Muskegon Museum of Art (MMA) on Thurs., April 30, and run through August 9. An opening reception…

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Peaceful paradise

April 12, 2015
Peaceful paradise

GRANT TWP. — In two and a half months, the Double JJ Resort will host the Electric Forest Festival, where tens of thousands of free spirits will traverse the grounds, celebrating music, art and individuality. The gigantic festival is slated for June 25-28, with over 100 bands set to the take the stage, including The String Cheese Incident, Bassnectar, Skrillex, Kaskade,…

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Comedian will perform at West Shore.

April 8, 2015
Comedian will perform at West Shore.

SCOTTVILLE – Laughter is coming to West Shore Community College on Thur., April 16, when the Performing Arts Series and Student Senate co-host comedian extraordinaire Bernadette Pauley at Center Stage Theater. The hilarity begins at 7:30 p.m. Pauley appears across the country in comedy clubs and on TV. She has made repeated appearances on VH1, MTV, TBS, Animal Planet, and Comedy Central’s “Tough Crowd…

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Huge hug! World record group-hug attempt at Electric Forest

March 27, 2015
Huge hug! World record group-hug attempt at Electric Forest

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor. GRANT TWP. — Gather 40,000 people together to embrace the beauty of music, art and nature, and what do you think should happen? Well, of course an attempt at breaking the world record for the largest group hug should happen. Electric Forest will attempt to break the record Friday, June 26, at 2:30 p.m. The…

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16th Century Singers to perform Sunday.

March 27, 2015
16th Century Singers to perform Sunday.

WEARE TWP.  — The madrigal performance group, the 16th Century Singers, will be singing at the 9 a.m. service at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church at 2380 W. Jackson Rd. on Sunday, March 29, for the Palm Sunday Service at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. The a capella group will sing two pieces from William Byrd (1543 – 1623), one of the most celebrated English composers…

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