The Mitten Memo

Will they stay or will they go? The House affair.

August 16, 2015
Will they stay or will they go? The House affair.

The Mitten Memo. A blog by Nick Krieger.  By now, you’ve probably heard about Lansing’s most recent scandal involving state representatives Todd Courser (R-Lapeer) and Cindy Gamrat (R-Plainwell).  Rumors of the extramarital affair between Courser and Gamrat had been circulating since spring. The story became more salacious earlier this month when The Detroit News released audio recordings of Courser, Gamrat,…

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Michigan’s sentencing shakeup.

August 3, 2015
Michigan’s sentencing shakeup.

The Mitten Memo. A blog by Nick Krieger. The Michigan Supreme Court’s annual term concludes at the end of July.  Like its federal counterpart, Michigan’s high court frequently waits until the final days of its term to issue its most controversial rulings. Of all the decisions released by the Michigan Supreme Court last week, perhaps none was as surprising and…

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Civil asset forfeiture reform needed.

July 26, 2015

The Mitten Memo. A blog by Nick Krieger. Amanda Odom and her friend, Krista Vaughn, worked for the American Red Cross in Detroit.  After work one day, Krista went to get her car from a nearby parking lot so she could give Amanda a ride home.  As Amanda was standing on the street corner waiting for Krista to pick her…

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Standardized testing and the opt-out movement

July 19, 2015
Standardized testing and the opt-out movement

The Mitten Memo. A blog by Nick Krieger. When I was in school, we were required to take the Michigan Education Assessment Program (MEAP) test every two or three years.  The testing usually lasted a few days.  No one liked it, but we all got through it.  In the last 20 years, however, the amount of standardized testing in Michigan…

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From 13 free and independent states.

July 5, 2015

The Mitten Memo. A blog by Nick Krieger.  Yesterday, the United States of America celebrated its 239th birthday.  Did you watch the parade and fireworks?  We all know that the Fourth of July is the day when we celebrate our nation’s independence from Great Britain, right? Well, sort of.  The events of July 4, 1776, were neither the beginning nor…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks