Blog Archives

Last call, dispatcher changing careers.

January 22, 2015
Last call, dispatcher changing careers.

WEARE TWP. (Oceana Co.) — There are many unsung heroes who live among us. Kristie Fillips is one of them. For the past 19 years Kristie has worked as a dispatcher at Mason-Oceana 911; for over 10 years she has been a supervisor. It is the only full time job she ever had; she began working there when the center…

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Governor orders flag lowered in honor of senator.

January 21, 2015

LANSING – Gov. Rick Snyder has ordered U.S. flags within the state Capitol Complex and on all state buildings to be lowered to half-staff on Friday, Jan. 23, in honor of former state Sen. Harry DeMaso, who died Jan. 9. “During his decades of public service Sen. DeMaso made sure to put the people of Michigan first. As chair of the Senate Finance…

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Governor outlines vision of Michigan in state of the state address.

January 20, 2015

LANSING – Michigan will create an environment in which all residents can succeed, regardless of their stage in life, through a strategic realignment of government services and unparalleled public-private collaboration, Gov. Rick Snyder said during his fifth State of the State address. The governor outlined his vision for focusing government on people rather than programs, with the support of new,…

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State trooper arrested for drunk driving.

January 19, 2015
State trooper arrested for drunk driving.

CORRECTION: Our previous headline, and a sentence in this story, stated that Seymour was assigned to the Hart post. He formerly was assigned to that post but now is assigned to the Cadillac post.  LUDINGTON — A Michigan State Police trooper from the Hart post was arrested for drunk driving early Saturday morning, and his sister attempted to kick out…

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Obit: Ralph Moore, Jr., 60, Apache Junction, AZ

January 19, 2015
Obit: Ralph Moore, Jr., 60, Apache Junction, AZ

Ralph B. Moore, Jr, age 60, of Apache Junction, AZ, formerly of Hart, passed away Tuesday, January 6, 2015.  He was born December 10, 1954, in Kalkaska, Michigan to Ralph and Kathleen Moore Sr. Ralph married the former Jeannette Dorington in New Zealand. He owned and operated Moore’s Excavating and R&J Landscaping and Excavating. Ralph was a military veteran serving in…

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