Max Kokx, 82, of Pentwater, passed away December 23, 2015. Arrangements by King Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Hart. List of 2015 deaths on record.
Max Kokx, 82, of Pentwater, passed away December 23, 2015. Arrangements by King Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Hart. List of 2015 deaths on record.
Recent births are brought to you by Shelby Gem Factory. See more information about these fine businesses below. Births took place at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, unless indicated otherwise. Citlali de Jesus Rosas, the daughter of Maria and Jose Rosas of Hart, was born Dec. 17, 2015. If you have a birth announcement and photo to post, please email to Shelby…
Oceana County Press is brought to you free 24 hours a day, seven days a week thanks to the generosity of advertisers. Safe Harbor Credit Union of Ludington is one of those great advertisers. LUDINGTON — This past month, Safe Harbor Credit Union partnered with Roxanne Chye and her classroom at Mason County Central to speak about careers and financial literacy.…
Robert J. Carr, Jr, 64, of Hesperia, died December 18, 2015. Arrangements by Harris Funeral Home, Shelby. Mary Hawley, 83, of Shelby, died December 18, 2015. Arrangements by Harris Funeral Home, Shelby. Deanna Lenon, 66, of Shelby, died December 19, 2015. Arrangements by Harris Funeral Home, Shelby. List of 2015 deaths on record.
John Bell, 57, of Hart, passed away December 17, 2015. Arrangements by Harris Funeral Home, Shelby. Peter Langstraat, 68, of Hart, passed away December 17, 2015. Arrangements by Harris Funeral Home, Shelby. List of 2015 deaths on record.