Blog Archives

Parent of former ESD student supports upcoming millage.

April 12, 2021

Parent of former ESD student supports upcoming millage. Dear Editor, I am glad tp have this opportunity to speak up and endorse the West Shore Educational Service District’s special education millage renewal proposal that will be up for a vote on May 4, 2021. As a parent of a student who received services from and attending school at the now…

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Walkerville Schools to remain open next week.

April 9, 2021

Walkerville Schools to remain open next week. WALKERVILLE — Following a press conference from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer calling on high schools to voluntarily close due to an increase in statewide COVID-19 cases, Walkerville Public Schools has announced that it will remain open. The school put the following statement on its Facebook page:  “Currently the direction for Walkerville Public Schools is…

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Hart Superintendent says school will stay open.

April 9, 2021

Hart Superintendent says school will stay open. Mark Platt, superintendent of Hart Public Schools, initially sent this letter to the parents and students of the school district. It is being posted here with his permission.  Dear Fellow Pirates: Today, the Governor along with the MDHHS made an announcement encouraging high schools to go virtual for two weeks and to pause…

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Governor asks Michiganders to voluntarily suspend indoor dining, youth sports for 2 weeks.

April 9, 2021

Governor asks Michiganders to voluntarily suspend indoor dining, youth sports for 2 weeks. LANSING – In a change of direction from past practices, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, at a press conference, asked Michiganders to voluntarily suspend in-person activities for high schools, indoor dining, and youth sports for the next two weeks, in response to increased COVID-19 cases in the state.  While many…

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Trusting our elections.

April 9, 2021

Trusting our elections. By Sen. Jon Bumstead 34th Senate District There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding election laws and security since the election in November. In the days, weeks and months following the 2020 election, I heard from many who wished to voice their concerns and distrust about how the election was conducted and an overwhelming number…

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Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks

Eats & Drinks