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Muskegon woman pleads to weapons charge

November 9, 2015
Muskegon woman pleads to weapons charge

HART — A 26-year-old Muskegon woman is looking at serving 30 days in jail after pleading “no contest” in 27th Circuit Court Monday, Nov. 9, to receiving and concealing a stolen firearm. Amanda Louise Day, of 1192 Sanford St., is scheduled for sentencing Jan. 4 at 9 a.m. In exchange for her plea, the prosecution has agreed to cap her…

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Alleged tether removal leads to 3 probation violation charges

November 9, 2015
Alleged tether removal leads to 3 probation violation charges

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor. HART — A 22-year-old Hart man accused of cutting off his tether on Halloween was arraigned in 27th Circuit Court Monday, Nov. 9, on three counts of probation violation. Brandon Scott Thrailkill, of 13 Mechanic St., was on probation for a conviction of receiving and concealing a stolen firearm, said Judge Anthony A. Monton. The…

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Rothbury woman pleads ‘no contest’ in bumper-ride case

November 9, 2015
Rothbury woman pleads ‘no contest’ in bumper-ride case

By Allison Scarbrough. OCP Editor. HART — A 35-year-old Rothbury woman pleaded “no contest” in 27th Circuit Court Monday, Nov. 9, to a felony of driving while license suspended (DWLS) causing injury resulting from an accident last month involving a 26-year-old Rothbury woman who was seriously injured after she fell from a moving vehicle while riding on the front bumper.…

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Bear poacher sentenced

November 9, 2015
Bear poacher sentenced

HART — The 27-year-old Zeeland man who shot a mother black bear that was with her three cubs, Sept. 23, in the Ruby Creek area of Colfax Township was sentenced Monday, Nov. 9, in 78th District Court to five days in jail; $1,500 in restitution; and a suspension of his hunting privileges for over three years. Derek Allen Hassevoort pleaded…

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Muskegon man faces jail term for resisting arrest

November 9, 2015
Muskegon man faces jail term for resisting arrest

HART — A 29-year-old Muskegon man faces up eight months in jail after pleading guilty in 27th Circuit Court Monday, Nov. 9, to assaulting/resisting/obstructing police. Freddie Lee Patterson, II, of 1923 Ray St., testified that on Sept. 5 he was leaving the Rothbury Wesco when an altercation with another individual ensued. The other individual left the scene before police arrived,…

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