After Hours School Attendance Hotline meant to help resolve absenteeism

December 19, 2024

West Shore School News is a presentation of West Shore Educational Service District in partnership with Mason County Press.

By Rob Alway, Editor-in-Chief

AMBER TOWNSHIP — The West Shore Educational Service District, in partnership with area school districts, have created an After Hours School Attendance Hotline to help with school attendance concerns.

The hotline is part of the regional Showing Up is Job 1 attendance initiative.

“The hotline is intended for students, parents or caregivers to talk about attendance concerns and to offer resources to help with those concerns,” said West Shore ESD Superintendent Jason Jeffrey.

During school hours, the concerns should be discussed with a school administrator or counselor, Jeffrey said. But, sometimes parents/caregivers aren’t available to speak to someone because of jobs or other commitments.

“We just want to listen and help if we can,” Jeffrey said. “If regular school hours don’t work for someone who wants to talk about an attendance concern, we want to be there for them in the evenings, too.”

Showing Up is Job 1 was developed by the West Shore Educational Service District Regional Superintendents’ Association, which consists of the public school superintendents of school districts in Mason, Oceana and Lake counties.

Its purpose is to encourage attendance at school.

“Attendance matters,” said Jeffrey. “Student engagement may be the most important prerequisite to student learning. Attendance is an area of challenge for schools across our region, the state and nation.

“If you asked me to identify one strategy that has the potential to move the needle and reduce chronic absenteeism, I would say its ensuring that every student has a relationship with one caring adult at school who purposefully encourages the student to attend and thoughtfully works with the student to eliminate barriers to coming to school.

“Encouraging students to come to school is important. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, while educator effectiveness is a significant factor for student success, excessive absenteeism reduces even the best educators ability to impact student learning.”

Jeffery said chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year for any reason, which equates to students missing two or more days per month.

The hotline is just another way to help solve absenteeism problems, Jeffrey said. The person answering the phone will listen to concerns and either help with possible solutions or refer the concerned party to someone else who can help.

The number is (231) 846-7999 and will be answered between the hours of 7-9 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. Texts will also be accepted.

Click here to learn more.


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