Hart High School Honor Roll

November 25, 2024


Pirate News is a presentation of Hart Public Schools in partnership with Oceana County Press.

High Honors


Devyn Adams, Brianna Arjona , AnnElise Bitely, Joseph Bizon , Joshua Bustos, Brooklyn Carter, Nora Chickering, Brody Clark, Aiden Coker, Kelsey Copenhaver, Alisya Cruz, Irelyn Cunningham, Jennifer DeBrot, Olivia DeBrot, Kailey Edenburn, James Galindo Lucio, Kevon Gray, Jacqueline Guerrero, Avery Guikema, Eric Hannan, Alexander Hicks, Brendan Hiddema, Lilly Hopkins, Addison Hovey, Harriet Kidder, Maryn Klotz , Kadie Koehl, Sarah Kranz, Kayla Kumzi, Tyler Larios-Mendez, Alexa Martinez, Julia McTaggart, Austin Merten, Amber Miguel, Kai Miller, Lexie Nienhuis, Mia Perea, Breslyn Porter, Lauren Pretty, Carter Ramseyer, Connor Riker, Andrew Riley, Clayton Riley , Hector Rodriguez, Marcos Roldan Galicia, Antonia Ross, Brynn Russell, Trisha Sauser, Ethan Schaner, Ty Schlukebir, Kuryn Simkins, Zaden Smith, Maxwell Stitt, Brooklyn Storms, Ty Thomas, Austin Trantham, Faith Vander Vlucht, Gideon VanderKooi , Beverly Wagner and Robin Walton.


Caleb Ackley , Elon Babbin, Rowan Best, Makenna Carrie, Shelbie Choponis, Aiden Cull, Owen Eisenlohr, Miguel Escamilla, Lyric Fielder, Ali Fleming, Dominic Fulford, Kyle Greiner, Addison Hain, Grace Hallack, Blake Helenhouse , Rosemary Hernandez, Lauren Hopkins, Wesley Kinsey, Kenai Kokx, Jagger Lenon, Payton Lindgren, Alivia Longcore, Abdel Lopez, Chase Lorenz, Joseph Osorio Espinoza, Destinee Perea, Hollis Rockwell, Addison Schiller, Renleigh Schiller, Chloe Simpson, Emily Steffens, Mia Suarez, Kennedy Symons, Blake Tanner, Christian Thomas, Kelly Torres-Uresti, Bryce Vander Kodde, Leah Walker and Leila Zamora.


Carson Ackley, Allen Alcala, Sophia Andaverde, Jenna Babbin, Kassie Baker, Caydence Bateson, Naomi Bitely, McKenna Bromley, Aide Cruz, Kayla DeBrot, Cadence Deleon, Calyn Eisenlohr, Emiliano Escamilla, Samuel Escamilla, Nina Frick, Mauricio Galindo, Mason Guikema, Haegan Hansen, Jillabelle Hession, Austin Hosking, Ava Johnson, Wyatt Johnson, Bronx Jones, Joel Knobel, Gissel Lara, Hunter Loudermilk, Pascal Miller, Keaghan Monroe, Mason Opalewski, Rilynn Porter, Nevaeh Reyna, Macy Riley, Destiny Rodriguez, Natalie Rosema, Alayna Schiller, Reese Smith, Alexis Taylor, Kole Thomas, Kailey Trejo, Peter Tuinstra, Owen Vander Vlucht, Kyrsten VanDerZanden, McKenna VanderZanden, Caden VanGelderen and Abigail Weesies.


Grant Ackley , Silas Ackley, Lucia Avila, Addison Barefoot, Elizabeth Barnum, Stephanie Cerna-Ramirez, Lydia Cory, Nick Eckles , Evalyn Flores, Joselyn Flores, Henry Galindo-Lucio, Rey Garza Perez, Ellie Gross, Clinton Hallack, Bailey Helenhouse, Izabela Hernandez, Emma Hopkins, Silas Jones, Taylor Kies, Baleigh Klotz, Karissa Klotz, Taylor Metts, Marissa Moul, Maddox Mullen, Ryan Nienhuis, Axel Perea Alarcon, Jaidyn Reyna, Bryn Riley Colton Samuels, Alaina Schaner, Rhezlynn Shafer , Cole Slotman, Braelynn Talmadge, Emma Thomas, Pedro Torres Rios, David Torres-Uresti, Grace Tucker, Leonard Udell, Liliana VanAgtmael, Viviana VanAgtmael, Trevor Vander Kodde, Luisa Vander Zwaag, Emery Velat, Lillian Wasson, Timothy Wolff and Asher Zost.



Rhylly Brown, Adan Cruz, Carson Jensen, Addison Kokx, Gracie Malburg, Emmanuel Ortega, Jeremy Pearson, Alexandre Rieger, Rylee Ruggles, Tristan Smith and Deegan Symons.


Halen Boos, Brendan Copenhaver, Martin Fetterhoff, Kera Hernandez, Jordan Holcomb, Emma Jeffries, Logan Jorissen, Allysa Meis, Maxwell Mull, Pablo Ortega-Rubio, Nicolas Ramirez, Heaven Rodriguez, Jack Slotman, Kiley Spinner, Abigail Studer, Fabian Vasquez and Adair Velazquez.


Alexia Arellano, Reise Bateson, Olivia Bradley, Larry Bromley, Alejandro Bustos-Vargas, Danielle Casillas, Michael Chavira Villarreal, Logan Dean, Trenity Gager, Sofia Garza Estrella, Nadia Gonzalez, Jaclyn Greiner, Kailyn Harmon, Rhet Johnson, Eduardo Martinez, Layla McCann, Madelon Munoz, Lilian Payne, Erick Perea-Hernandez, Josephine Rodriguez, Zoily Sarabia, Aiden Schaner, Luke VanderWilk and Noah Wolff.


Elijah Anastasiades, Harleigh Davis, Alexandra Fillips, Alexander Hernandez, Kora Hiddema, Prestyn Huck, Aubrey Loudermilk, Xavier Mendez, Beverly Miguel, Luis Oliveros, Kolton Rockwell, Jackson Schaner, Trinity Selig and Craven Viening.

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