Sheriff’s office provides back-to-school safety tips

September 3, 2024

OCEANA COUNTY — With school districts across the county returning to classes to start the new school year Tuesday Sept. 3, the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office offers safety tips for drivers.

“Drivers should prepare to stop when a slowing school bus has its overhead yellow lights flashing and should stop at least 20 feet away from a bus when the overhead lights flash red — unless driving in the opposite direction on a divided highway. Drivers should slow down in or near school and residential areas, and look for clues, such as safety patrols, crossing guards, bicycles, and playgrounds that indicate children might be in the area.

“Most school bus-related injuries and deaths involve pedestrians, mostly children, who are struck by a school bus or injured when they are exiting the school bus to cross traffic. In Michigan, drivers who pass stopped school buses may be charged with civil infractions carrying a fine of up to $500 and $100 in costs. Drivers who pass a stopped school bus and cause an injury face a misdemeanor charge and either a fine up to $1,000 or up to one year in jail. Drivers who pass a stopped school bus and cause a death are subject to a felony with either a fine of up to $7,500 or up to 15 years in jail.”


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