Oceana County Sheriff Craig Mast, at left, Hart McDonald’s General Manager Karen Bolan and Oceana County Undersheriff Ryan Schiller.
HART – The Memorial Day weekend has passed and another Michigan summer is upon us. That means thousands of kids across the state will soon be trading in their bus trip to school for a bike ride to the park. Police agencies across Michigan are preparing for the spike in bicycle traffic, and they’re rewarding kids who practice good safety practices by partnering with McDonald’s of Michigan and the Field Neurosciences Institute for the annual ‘Caught Being Safe’ campaign.
Across the state, law enforcement agencies will reward kids for wearing helmets, life jackets and using safe behaviors by giving them a coupon for a free ice cream cone or apple slices at participating McDonald’s restaurants.
Michigan State Police, local police departments, sheriff’s departments, fire departments, DNR patrols, EMS services, and Coast Guard stations make up the more than 500 agencies around Michigan that are participating.
“If deputies see young people doing things safely, they are able to give out gift certificates for free ice cream or apple slices,” said Oceana County Undersheriff Ryan Schiller. “Being safe might be just wearing their seatbelts, wearing a bike helmet or wearing a life jacket while in or on the water.
“Fun fact — the McDonald’s apple slices are from right here in Oceana County!”
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