– Kent County Sheriff’s Office photo
By Allison Scarbrough, News Editor
GOLDEN TOWNSHIP — The Silver Lake State Park Sand Dunes drag strip, also called the “test and tune” area, where a woman was killed Sunday, May 26, was closed by the DNR three years ago due to safety concerns, but politicians pushed for it to reopen.
At the start of the 2021 dune season, the DNR banned drag racing. However, State Rep. Scott VanSingel introduced legislation in June of 2021 to allow drag racing on the dunes again.
Then in July of 2021, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed the bill, exempting the Silver Lake State Park Sand Dunes from the DNR’s drag racing ban, which allowed drag racing to resume at the dunes.
In September of 2021, a 15-year-old-boy was airlifted for critical injuries sustained at the drag strip.
Oceana County Sheriff Craig Mast said he is unaware of any efforts to close the drag strip again in light of last weekend’s horrific crash. “It’s all so fresh right now,” he said Tuesday morning May 28. “I haven’t heard any feedback from any legislators, DNR or any officials yet. It’s hard to guess what might happen.”
Kadie Price was the wife of a Kent County sheriff’s deputy, Charlie Price. In addition to the 2-year-old daughter who Kadie saved from being hit and likely killed Sunday, the couple had another young child. “They were each holding a child (when the crash occurred),” said Sheriff Mast.
Police are still not releasing the name of the 64-year-old Michigan man who was driving the Jeep that veered out of control at the drag strip Sunday, causing the Price family vehicle to hit Kadie and kill her.
“Kadie Price and her family were outside of their vehicle to watch the action at the drag strip on the Silver Lake Sand Dunes,” states the sheriff’s press release. “While they were watching, a Jeep CJ was racing northbound on the drag strip. As the Jeep accelerated rapidly, it lost control. When the Jeep lost control, it veered off the drag strip towards where the Price family was watching. The Jeep struck the Price family vehicle, which then struck Kadie.”
“He’s been cooperative,” said Mast. “He submitted to a blood test to check his sobriety. That is a standard investigative procedure in reference to a fatal crash.” Results are not expected for at least a week.
The Silver Lake State Park Sand Dunes are a hugely-popular tourist destination in the summer. Nearly 2 million people visit the scenic and unique park every year, previously said Silver Lake State Park Manager Jody Johnston. That total includes visitors to the campground, the Little Sable Point Lighthouse and the ORV area.
“As far as an ORV park in the dunes, this is the only place east of the Mississippi,” said Johnston.
A givesendgo fundraiser for the family has raised over $45,000 as of Tuesday at noon.
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