Pro football player visits Shelby Middle School
SHELBY — Professional football player Nate McCrary made a big impression upon Shelby eighth graders when he recently visited the school for Career Day.

McCrary with Shelby Public Schools Superintendent Mark Olmstead.
“The highlight of the event was the appearance of Nate McCrary, a distinguished professional football player with a remarkable journey from Reeths Puffer High School to the NFL and currently representing the USFL Detroit Panthers,” states a press release from the school. “McCrary’s presence electrified the room as he shared his personal narrative of resilience, hard work, and determination in the competitive world of sports.
“With compelling anecdotes and video clips, McCrary offered students a glimpse into the realities of professional athletics, emphasizing the significance of academic excellence, a strong work ethic, and a positive mindset. He underscored the importance of surrounding oneself with a supportive network of individuals who uplift and inspire personal growth.
“Moreover, McCrary’s discussion extended beyond the realm of sports, touching upon the broader themes of community service and the transformative power of perseverance. His message resonated deeply with students, instilling in them a sense of purpose and motivation to pursue their dreams with unwavering commitment.”
Shelby Middle School Counselor Rachel Dobben organized the event and arranged for McCrary’s appearance. “Rachel’s contacts were able to put her in touch with Nate, and together they were able to bring Nate here to SMS.”
Not only did the students receive a visit from McCrary, but they also explored other career paths and gained invaluable insights from industry experts.
“Among the lineup of speakers were individuals who represent a spectrum of professions, ranging from healthcare to finance and sports. Dan Yost, a representative from West Shore Community College’s Paramedics and EMT program, shared his expertise in emergency medical services, shedding light on the critical role of first responders in our communities.” Yost is also the Grant Township fire chief.
“Erin Stark from Shelby State Bank captivated students’ attention as she delved into the intricacies of human resources and imparted essential job skills necessary for success in the modern workplace. Her engaging presentation resonated with students, providing them with practical knowledge about the professional world.
“Meanwhile, Emily Pluger and Brandlyn Robinson — passionate veterinarians from Oceana Veterinary Clinic — ignited students’ curiosity about animal care and the rewarding aspects of veterinary medicine. Their anecdotes and experiences underscored the importance of compassion and dedication in pursuing one’s career aspirations.
“The students really enjoyed this opportunity to hear from all of the professionals, but did admit that meeting an NFL player was a highlight.”
- Contributed photos
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