Samantha Schaefer named Pentwater Student of the Month
PENTWATER — Samantha “Sam” Schaefer was recently named September Student of Month by the Pentwater Service Club.
Schaefer was nominated by Pentwater school staff for her leadership skills, service to others, academic achievements, and extracurricular activity involvement, including her role as vice president of the National Honor Society and participation in sports, language teams and clubs.
“Samantha is an outstanding student of the month,” said Teacher Erika Fatura, adding that she has earned a 4.0 grade point average while being dual enrolled at West Shore Community College. She is also successfully enrolled in the Osteoscholars and Allied Health Career and Technical Programs and is certified in phlebotomy.
Teachers Kelly Sislung and Carrie Jeruzal made similar comments about Schaefer, adding that she’s always helpful to other students and has been an active community volunteer, donating her time and talents to a local nursing home, library and blood drive. Both agreed that she has been a pleasure to work with during her four years at Pentwater School, whether in the classroom, sports teams, or language clubs.
She received an engraved plaque and gift certificates from PSC and Pentwater Chamber of Commerce.