Community foundation seeks candidates to fill AmeriCorps outreach coordinator position

June 22, 2023

Community foundation seeks candidates to fill AmeriCorps outreach coordinator position

PENTWATER – Oceana Community Foundation announced that there is an open AmeriCorps position.

“Perfect for someone at any stage in their career, the foundation’s AmeriCorps member will play a vital role in its communications, marketing, event management, and database management,” states a community foundation press release.

“As a member of the foundation’s office in Pentwater, you’ll gain professional experience in nonprofits and community development, and make a big impact in our community as our outreach coordinator. An outreach coordinator position has become increasingly important in this time to ensure connectedness within our community to make Oceana a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant place to live.

“This year-long position will run from Sept. 18, 2023, to Aug. 23, 2024, and offers a living allowance; an education award; qualified student loan forgiveness; health benefits; professional development; and more. Working at the foundation provides you with a unique opportunity to connect with Oceana County’s nonprofit community, both as a thought partner and as a nonprofit professional. Whether you are a recent graduate or working towards a degree, you will be able to truly make a difference, right in your own neighborhood. You can see the full job description and steps for how to apply here: The deadline to apply is June 30.

“Part of the position will be working with the Oceana College Access Network, a program working to ensure all students, including adult learners, are prepared for and have access to post-secondary education and training. OCAN is also supported by the state-wide Michigan College Access Network with grants and resources. Since its creation in 2012, OCAN has worked with hundreds of students to explore college/vocational training and career readiness and access to education. OCAN works with on-the-ground service providers who bring programs such as Students in the Workplace, the College and Career Fair, College Application Day and FAFSA workshops, and campus visits to Oceana students. The position will provide the foundation’s AmeriCorps with hands-on experience at these events, connecting students with educational resources and opportunities.”

“We are excited to invite someone new to join our team as our outreach coordinator,” foundation CEO Tammy Carey said. “Each person has their own history and skills that can be a tremendous asset to the foundation’s and OCAN’s work, regardless of their experience in the nonprofit sector. Through their lived experiences, we can’t wait to see how our new AmeriCorps member will help add capacity to the foundation and help us build a more vibrant Oceana County.”

The AmeriCorps member position within the Oceana Community Foundation is part of a statewide AmerCorps program, managed by the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan. CEDAM is a coalition of leaders across Michigan’s community development sector that work to create vibrant, inclusive spaces for all people to live and work. Through programs, advocacy, and other resources, CEDAM promotes community development and equity. More information about the position and how to apply can be found here: . The deadline to apply is June 30.

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