79th District Court news, posted May 9, 2023
HART — The following proceedings recently took place in Oceana County’s 79th District Court:

Alfred Martinez Escamilla, of 71 Ferry St., Shelby; Michigan State Police (MSP); third-offense operating while intoxicated, driving while license suspended (DWLS) and disorderly conduct. Preliminary exam: May 30 at 1 p.m. Bail: $15,000/cash/surety/10 percent.
Cameron Scott Golightly, of 3527, W. Webster Rd., Montague; Oceana

County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO); receiving and concealing stolen property. Preliminary exam: May 30 at 1 p.m. Bail: $5,000/personal recognizance (PR).
Dominique Niccolas Hampton, of 3224 Foster St., Shelby; Shelby Police Department; larceny. Preliminary exam: May 30 at 1 p.m. Bail:

$2,500/cash/surety/10 percent.
- Aaron Wayne Rumsey, of 2731 S. 192nd Ave., Hesperia; OCSO; lying to a police officer. Pretrial: May 25 at 1:15 p.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Slader David Beyer, of 38 Chapita Hills, Shelby; OCSO; failure to stop at a person injury accident. Pretrial: May 25 at 11:15 a.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Jason Dale Wilks, of 8048 W. 64th St., Fremont; DWLS.* Pretrial: June 1 at 9:45 a.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Christopher Martinez, of 2 W. Main St., Hart; OCSO; possession of open intoxicants. Pretrial: May 18 at 11:30 a.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Timothy Wayne Meitner, of 191 N. Bogue St., Walkerville; DWLS; MSP. Pretrial: May 18 at 9:45 a.m. Bail: $50/cash.
- Nolan Michael Werntrom, of 2830 E. White Lake Dr., Twin Lake; OCSO; breaking and entering — illegal entry. Pretrial: May 11 at 4 p.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Paul Thomas-Russell Gifford, of 4260 Teanmar Ave., Muskegon; OCSO; breaking and entering — illegal entry. Pretrial: May 11 at 4 p.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Joseph Lorenzo Bullock, of 4510 Orshall Rd., Whitehall; ORV — fleeing and eluding and operating an ORV in closed area; Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Pretrial: May 25 at 10 a.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
- Glen Harvey Wiggers, of 294 E. Forest Ave., Muskegon; DWLS; OCSO. Pretrial: May 18 at 10 a.m. Bail: $1,000/PR.
*Arresting agency not listed.
- Nathan Norman-Michael Fairchild, of 8128 E. Younker Rd., Hesperia, was found guilty May 2 of operating while intoxicated and was sentenced to 93 days suspended jail with credit for 93 days served and $115 in fines and costs. Conviction reportable to the Secretary of State (SOS). One count of DWLS was dismissed.
- Michael Patrick Pearson, of 8778 W. Stone Rd., Shelby, was found guilty May 2 of reckless driving and was sentenced to $525 in fines and costs. One count of operating while intoxicated was dismissed. Conviction reportable SOS.
- Jeffrey Allen Anderson, of 4120 McKinley Rd., Montague, was found guilty May 4 of DWLS and was sentenced to $450 in fines and costs. Conviction reportable SOS.
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