ESD continues threat assessment trainings

February 9, 2023

ESD continues threat assessment trainings

West Shore School News is a presentation of West Shore Educational Service District in partnership with Mason County Press and Oceana County Press.

WEARE TOWNSHIP — A special school behavioral threat assessment training was held recently at the West Michigan Research Station on Oceana Drive. The training was part of a series of trainings that have been held throughout Mason, Oceana, and Lake counties by West Shore Educational Service District (WSESD) and involved schools officials, law enforcement and other first responders, and mental health professionals. 

Dr. Jason Jeffrey, superintendent of WSESD, said he was pleased with all the trainings. 

“This is the latest step in this process of our accumulated trainings,” Jeffrey said. “We went over multiple scenarios and shared the response procedures from various school districts. It’s very impressive the way the school districts in our three counties take the matter of safety and security very serious. You don’t always see this in other places.”

Jeffrey said the training participants were able to draw on past experiences.

“These types of trainings allow the various schools districts, first responders and mental health professionals to create procedures that are consistent throughout our ESD and therefore if there was ever a major threat, resources from the neighboring districts can be utilized. We are planning on continuing these types of trainings, because ultimately, our goal is for children and staff to feel safe in the schools. When they feel safe, then learning can be accomplished in a much healthier environment.” 

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