Hart Police Chief Juan Salazar displays the new department’s newest patrol car.
HPD gets new patrol car
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor
HART — The Hart Police Department recently debuted a brand-new patrol car, which is a 2022 “pursuit-rated” Ford Explorer.
It replaces a 2016 SUV, said Hart Police Chief Juan Salazar.
Funding for the vehicle came from the city’s capital improvement budget, said the chief. The cost was just over $46,000, which includes “the vehicle, outfit and decals.” Windridge Textile Printing of Shelby produced the graphics.
Police cruisers are normally replaced once they hit 100,000 miles or every three years, he said. “For us, it’s been about every four years that we replace a car.”
The city currently has three patrol cars total. “Normally, we auction them off, but we’ve gotten to the point where we have been down two patrol cars because of vehicle issues, so we are keeping (the 2016 patrol car) in case — as a backup.”
Due to vehicle issues in the past, HPD has had to rely on the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office for patrol cars. “The sheriff’s department has always been gracious to let us borrow one of theirs. It helps to have an extra vehicle when we have other events, like the county fair or a parade.”
A prisoner partition and light bar were purchased for the new car, because it’s wider than the older models.
The new car, which displays Hart Public Schools Pirate mascot, debuted at the Hart High School homecoming parade. “It’s pretty sharp,” said Salazar.
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