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Let it snow! Hart Winterfest set for Feb. 3 and 4
HART — The annual Hart Winterfest returns for another year of winter-themed events Friday and Saturday, Feb. 3 and 4.
The weekend kicks off with a broomball tournament Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the parking lot north of LaProbadita. It is free for pre-registered players. Get out your broom and helmet and join as an individual or team. Registration is available at www.takemetohart.org.
Saturday’s events include a soup walk featuring: Hart Pizza, LaFiesta, Stella’s Coffee House, Kristi’s Pour House, Open Hearth, Big Hart Brewing Company, Lakeside Family Club & Fitness, and the Bakery on the Corner. Taste and vote on your favorite soup. Punch cards will be sold for $5 starting at 11 a.m. at Morningside Pallet Merchandise, at 28. S State St., and are limited to the first 175 tickets.

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Need a little dessert after the soup walk? Stop by the Hart City Hall Community Center for a cookie sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The sale benefits Hart Area Public Library.
Grab your fishing poles and warm layers for the annual Farm Bureau Ice Fishing Tournament. Registration is available at Kaleb Klotz agency, or by emailing or calling Jen at jmarfio@ctyfb.com 231-796-1119.
Help support the Hart Project and its efforts to bring a one-of-a-kind 24-foot-tall Tin Man to downtown Hart. Check out the Winter Golf Outing at the Hart irrigation property on Polk Road. Whether you want to donate, sponsor or participate, your efforts help achieve bringing more art to Hart. The cost per person is $35 and includes nine holes of golf, three tennis balls for play and lunch. Call 231-923-0920 or go to www.takemetohart.org to register.
The Vintage Snowmobile and Swap Meet will take place at the Oceana Fairgrounds from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vote for your favorite vintage sled. This year’s featured snowmobile will be the Scorpion. Trophies will be awarded in different vintage categories: 1969 and older; 1970-1974; 1975-1979; 1980-1989; and 1999-2000.
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