Letter to the Editor: County commissioner urges yes vote on jail proposal.

July 7, 2022

Letter to the Editor: County commissioner urges yes vote on jail proposal.

Letters to the editor are opinion editorials submitted by readers. Letters to the editor are a long tradition in American journalism. The views and opinions of the writer do not necessarily reflect those of Oceana County Press, its staff or its parent company. For more information, please refer to OCP’s Op/Ed policy.

Dear Editor,

I write today in support of the new millage on the Aug. 2 ballot to build and operate a new county jail and sheriff’s office. As a lifelong resident (minus a couple years of college), local business owner, county commissioner, Oceana County Reserve Deputy (volunteer) and father of six, I have a couple of perspectives that may resonate with many of you. 

Our sheriff’s department is critical in keeping crime restrained in Oceana County and handling those who violate the law. Think of a situation wherein you or a loved one needs law enforcement – you will want them to be the best trained and best equipped with sufficient manpower to take care of the need. When the funding of law enforcement comes into question, this is the viewpoint I come from.

Our current facility is a liability in many ways. It is no longer able to meet the safety standards in the way it is designed for inmate and corrections officers. The building is inefficient and in need of many significant repairs, but not limited to, heating, ventilation, roofing, and plumbing repairs. In addition, our current jail is full most of the time. It is an absolute disservice to our community to force our prosecutor and judges to make judgment calls on who should or should not go to jail because the jail is full. That happens now and will only get worse with time.

Another aspect of this project that I ask all Oceana County residents to keep in mind is that this is a generational project. It is a big project, no doubt. But the plan for this facility is that it will serve this county for generations. The size is based on current need and future projections. It will be constructed with materials that will withstand the use and abuse it will see for many years to come. The site being proposed has room for future expansion if or when needed. These are all things our current facility absolutely cannot offer our community. 

I ask for your yes vote on Aug. 2 to support our sheriff’s department with this new millage. To see more details on this project, please visit www.saferoceanacounty.com.


Tim Beggs, 


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