Sgt. Grillo honored, Tpr. Butterfield remembered.

May 16, 2022

Sgt. Grillo honored, Tpr. Butterfield remembered.

This week is National Police Week.

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By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

HART — New Era Police Sgt. Mike Grillo, who died last December due to complications from COVID-19, was honored during the Oceana County ceremony for National Police Week Monday, May 16, on the courthouse lawn.

Det. Sgt. Kevin Skipski of the Hart Police Department salutes the wreath.

Guest speaker Rep. Scott VanSingel (R-Grant) of the 100th District served as guest speaker for the ceremony. 

“Let it be known that it is with pleasure to thank and remember Michael James Thomas Grillo as a devoted professional who performed excellent work on behalf of the people of the state as a police officer,” VanSingel read from the state resolution honoring the officer who passed away at the age of 65. “With gratitude for all that he has contributed to the department, we offer thanks to this incredible figurehead and role model in our community.”

Grillo served as a police officer for 43 years.  

“On behalf of the State of Michigan, thank you Officer Grillo,” said VanSingel.

Although Grillo did not die in the line of duty, he was honored for his decades of service.

Eagle scouts Andrew Carter and Reed Schulz serve as color guards.

“Thankfully, Oceana County has not suffered the loss of a law enforcement officer in the line of duty,” said Oceana County Sheriff Craig Mast, who gave the introduction. “Our brothers and sisters at MSP — Hart post — have had to bear this tragedy. On Sept. 9, 2013, Trooper Paul Butterfield tragically died as a result of a traffic stop in Mason County. Trooper Paul Butterfield was shot and killed while making a traffic stop on Custer Road, near Townline Road, in Mason County at approximately 6:20 p.m. 

Mike Grillo’s son, Rick, and widow Patti hold the state proclamation honoring the late officer. Rick serves captain of the Meridian Township Police Department near Lansing.

“We do not wish to dilute what police memorial week is about, but we would like to honor some of those who have given their lives to protect and serve,” said Sheriff Mast. “Six hundred nineteen law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2021 in the United States. There have been 102 line-of-duty deaths already in 2022.

“Thank you to the Grillo family for giving of your father, husband and grandfather for 43 years of service to our communities.”

In 1962, President John F. Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day and the calendar week as National Police Week to pay special recognition to police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

Sgt. Grillo

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Tpr. Butterfield

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