Hart Winter Fest takes place Saturday.

February 2, 2022

File photo: The snowmobile show will take place at the Oceana County Fairgrounds this year.

Hart Winter Fest takes place Saturday.

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HART — Hart Winter Fest takes place Saturday, Feb. 5 from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. This year’s event features a fishing tournament, vintage snowmobile and swap meet and a soup walk. The schedule is as follows: 

Oceana County Farm Bureau Fishing Tournament: Registration takes place, beginning at 6 a.m., at the West Michigan Research Center, 5185 N. Oceana Dr., Weare Township. Participants can fish on any Michigan lake. There will be a raffle, meal and cash prizes. Weigh-in takes place at 3 p.m. 

Vintage Snowmobile and Swap Meet: Oceana County Fairgrounds, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Featured snowmobiles will be Kawasaki and SnoJet,. Event will feature food trucks and trophies. 

Soup Walk: Downtown Hart. Event features nine locations, $5 punch card for nine soup samples, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pick up punch card at first stop. Featuring Stella’s Coffee House, Kristi’s Pour House, Pink Elephant, Big Hart Brewing Co., LaProbadita, Hart Pizza, Open Hearth Grille, The Bakery on the Corner, Lakeside Family Fitness Club, LaFiesta.

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