Pentwater Service Club has record-breaking year.

January 21, 2022

Mike Flynn and Don Sproul serve customers from the Club’s iconic “Bill Duncan Food Wagon” on Pentwater’s Village Green. Proceeds are donated to worthy local causes.

Pentwater Service Club has record-breaking year.

Higher revenue means more help for people in need.

PENTWATER — The Pentwater Service Club announced that its volunteers generated record-setting revenues and major programming accomplishments for the year ending December 31, 2021.  

Bolstered by record memberships and the sale of the club’s gourmet Pentwater Service Club Caramel Corn, revenues increased 268 percent from 2020, making 2021 the best year on record for the club, now in its 53rd year.  

PSC members display a garden box for the community gardens.

“Despite the many challenges brought about by COVID and an up-and-down economy, club volunteers proved what can happen when adversity is met with determination,” said Club President Mark Trierweiler.  

“Last year saw records broken in all categories as club volunteers engaged with Pentwater area residents to accomplish needed programs and projects for our community,” said Vice President Bart Zachrich.  

Zachrich, who manages the sale and distribution of the club’s flagship caramel corn product, said the first full year in retail stores was both encouraging and heartwarming. Retailers were rewarded by their customers for partnering with the PSC to sell more product, so the club can do more in the community.  

One hundred percent of the profits from the sale of caramel corn goes for community programs, Zachrich said.

The PSC also saw growth in the number of men and women joining the club to get involved in the community.  

“The more we do, the more others want to join in and help with addressing community needs,” said Ross Feltes, membership chairperson. “I guess you could say that ‘success begets success’ as there are more people wanting to pitch in during challenging times,” Feltes said.

Efforts led by club members Jack Provencal and Kyle Jansen resulted in the doubling of the value of the Pentwater Service Club Fund at the Foundation for Oceana County, from $12,000 to more than $25,000.   

“Local citizens contributed to the fund as a way of ensuring that programming will continue for present and future generations,” Provencal said. For 2022, an additional $1,000 in scholarships will be given to deserving Pentwater students to help them with their educational goals.

Club members also completed the construction of the Pentwater Community Gardens (PCG), consisting of 24 raised bed garden plots for use by residents who for any reason are unable to raise a traditional garden.  

Conceived by Laurel Howell and spearheaded by member Peter Bush, the PCS partnered with Great Lakes Pet Fencing Company, Beckman Brothers Sand and Gravel, and Dan and Jody TerHaar to create an enclosed garden space for use by residents of the greater Pentwater area.

A new record also was set for the amount of money raised by the PSC for the Salvation Army during December.  “The club delivered a check in the amount of $993.66, which represented gifts from the club and generous residents over the holiday season,” said Erik Bengston, who managed the collections for the club.

“The totality of our member efforts throughout 2021 meant that many more people were involved and helped in a year that can be summarized in two words: record breaking,” said Treasurer John Faas. “We’re all feeling proud and grateful for what we accomplished together in 2021. With the continued help of our community partners, 2022 is shaping up to be another great year.”

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