Gregory Jackson, at right, and defense attorney Terry Nolan, appear in 27th Circuit Court via Zoom video conferencing.
Muskegon man ordered to pay over $7,300 for sports poster scam.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
HART — A 70-year-old Muskegon man was ordered to pay over $7,300 in restitution Monday, July 26, in 27th Circuit Court for defrauding local businesses in a sports poster advertising scam.
Gregory Allen Jackson pleaded guilty, April 19, to a felony of false pretenses $1,000-$20,000. One count of common law fraud was dismissed.
“I never had any harm intended at all,” said Jackson. “I am committed to fulfilling the restitution amount.”
“We will see that amount, or Mr. Jackson is going to go to jail,” said Judge Robert D. Springstead.
“Mr. Jackson, there are a lot of red flags in your history,” said Judge Springstead. “I’m not sure if you have good intentions; if you’re just a bad businessman; or if you’re just a shyster.”
The judge cited previous convictions of non-sufficient fund checks and false pretenses.
“The record seems to indicate that you’re at least part of a crook — maybe not a crook all of the time, but at times you’re a crook.”
Sentencing guidelines in the case are 0-6 months.
“I think you’re just a scammer really,” said Judge Springstead. “If it wasn’t for this plea agreement, I would put you in jail.”
Jackson was ordered to pay $7,316 in restitution with the majority of it owed to BC Pizza. He was also sentenced to one year probation. Jackson must pay a minimum $100 per month, and the entire amount must be paid in full within a year. “If he doesn’t, he’s going to go to jail,” said the judge.
“He did this in Muskegon, and I got a poster every year,” said Jackson’s attorney Terry Nolan. “I advertised with him.”
The Hart Police Department began an investigation into this fraud/scam complaint Feb. 11, 2020,” said Hart Police Chief Juan Salazar. The investigation was led by D/Sgt. Kevin Skipski.
“The department was notified by a local business owner of Mr. Jackson selling sports posters featuring the schedules for local football teams along with business advertisements,” said Chief Salazar. “Mr. Jackson would collect the money and proceed to tell the business owner the posters will arrive in the mail or he would hand deliver the posters. Mr. Jackson would not return to the business nor provide the businesses with the posters.
“Approximately seven businesses within the City of Hart fell victim to Mr. Jackson,” said Chief Salazar.
“During the investigation, businesses within Oceana County also were noted to have purchased posters from Mr. Jackson. At this time, the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office was notified, and a joint investigation began between the Hart Police Department and Oceana County Sheriff’s Office.
Sports Promotions Inc., may have started out as a legitimate business, but evolved into a fraud that had been going on for the last few years.
Due to Jackson’s age and new parameters for sentencing, he was not sentenced to jail.
Jackson and attorney Nolan appeared in 27th Circuit Court Monday via Zoom video conferencing due to COVID-19.
False pretenses $1,000-$20,000 is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
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