Shelby Township brings new life to office.
SHELBY — The newly-rebranded Shelby Township has recently given new life to the township offices located at 204 N. Michigan Avenue in downtown Shelby.
The exterior features a fresh new paint color, awnings, a sign featuring the new township logo, and an American flag that the Shelby Rotary Club donated. The township offices now display a welcoming office for information and gatherings. The rejuvenation of the exterior of the office building is a part of the effort to bring new life to Shelby Township, which began in January with the development of a new logo and continued with the launching of a new website.
“It is our sincere hope that other businesses in the village will also exhibit ‘Shelby Pride’ by updating our village,” said Shelby Township Supervisor Richard Raffaelli. “As we continue to lose more businesses and have more open storefronts, as a community we need to ‘re-purpose’ our village.
“The beautification of the office, the road work being completed, and the new ‘Welcome to Shelby’ signs that will be erected over the next month are all efforts to revitalize Shelby and bring patriotism to our entire community. A healthy village is a healthy township, and a healthy township is a healthy village.”
Inside the township offices, walls were painted, a storage room was created, and the conference space was updated with technology to support virtual meetings, allowing everyone to participate in township meetings. For the latest information on township meeting dates and times, visit
“Please do your part by shopping in the village,” said Raffaelli. “We support the village council and believe the council needs a more formal program to attract businesses back to our village. We encourage Shelby residents to express to the council your support of a formal business plan to attract businesses into our village.”
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