Suspect confesses to stealing over 200 signs.

June 1, 2021

Suspect confesses to stealing over 200 signs.

HART — The Hart post of the Michigan State Police has identified a suspect who confessed to stealing over 200 business signs in the last three years in Oceana and Mason counties, said Sgt. Dan Thomas.

Everet Horton of Pentwater runs the business, Everet the Mole Guy, and many of his yellow signs displayed around the area have been stolen.

“Someone has been removing my signs for a long time,” Horton said last month. “But it has gotten out of hand. Ninety percent of the signs I have put out in the last two weeks have been removed. All on private property. It has become very costly,” he said.

The case remains under investigation. Victims who have not yet contacted the police should call the Hart post at 231-873-2171 and ask for Trooper Griffin Lewis.

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