DHD #10 to offer walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinics.

May 4, 2021

DHD #10 to offer walk-in COVID-19 vaccine clinics.

HART — Now that the COVID-19 vaccine is widely available and vaccine clinics are slowing down, District Health Department #10 is scheduling first-dose clinics each Tuesday in all 10 local offices. 

Starting next week, Tuesday clinic times are 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1:30-6:20 p.m., and walk-ins are welcome. 

All three vaccines, Pfizer (for 16+), Moderna (for 18+), and Johnson & Johnson (for 18+) are available. Second doses of Pfizer and Moderna will be scheduled at your first-dose clinic.  

To schedule an appointment online, go to www.dhd10.org/schedule. If you do not have access to a computer or the internet, call 888-217-3904. Appointments are preferred, but walk-ins are welcome during Tuesday clinic days.

The DHD #10 office in Hart is located at 3986 N. Oceana Drive.

 For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, go to www.dhd10.org/covid-19-vaccine. To stay up to date on the latest information, sign up for Public Health Alerts at www.dhd10.org/schedule

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