The City of Hart will hold a public hearing on proposed Wastewater System Improvement projects for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons.
The hearings will be held on May 25, 2021, during the regular city council meeting at 7:30 p.m. City Council meetings are normally held at the Hart City Hall office located at 407 State Street, Hart, MI 49420. Due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) the City Council meeting may be held via tele-conference. Updates regarding tele-conference and in person meetings can be found on the City website at
The purpose of the proposed projects is to improve the safety and reliability of the wastewater treatment and collection system in the City. Wastewater system improvements include:
- Replacing approximately 6,000 feet of sanitary sewer and force main and Griswold Lift Station Improvements
- Address aging infrastructure and capacity concerns at the BioPure Treatment Facility
- Replace the Riverside Lift Station
- Replace approximately 6,500 feet of sanitary sewer in the Courtland Street, Dryden Street and Wood Street areas (to be done in future years)
Impacts of the proposed projects include typical sanitary sewer main construction, and temporary disruptions such as noise, dust, and traffic congestion caused by construction activities. The benefits will include a more reliable and energy efficient wastewater treatment and collection system as well as long-term reduced maintenance costs and new road pavement in the underground construction areas.
The estimated cost of implementing the proposed Project Plan is $12,597,000. Year 1 (FY2022) of the Project Plan will cost an estimated $8,409,000 and construction would occur over a three-year period, 2022 through 2024. The projected cost to sewer system users due to the Year 1 projects is estimated at $4.98 per month per residential equivalent unit. The City may increase the existing sewer rate structure over time to finance these costs through the State Revolving Fund low interest loan program. The remaining future collection system projects within the Project Plan will cost an estimated $4,188,000 with an exact schedule to be determined.
Copies of the plan detailing the proposed projects are available for review at the Hart City Hall office or online at Written comments received before the hearing record is closed on May 25, 2021 will receive responses in the final project plan. Written comments should be sent to:
Karla Swihart, City Clerk
407 State Street
Hart, MI 49420
This public notice is a paid advertisement by the City of Hart.