Mears man found guilty of 5 probation violations following 6th OWI arrest.
He was arrested for drunk driving four times in 2020.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor
HART — A 78-year-old Mears man was found guilty in 27th Circuit Court Monday, Jan. 4, to five probation violations following a recent arrest for his sixth drunk driving.
Michael H. Fuller, of 2509 N. 56th Ave., was arrested by Oceana County sheriff’s deputies the afternoon of Dec. 20, on North 56th Avenue for third-offense operating while intoxicated (OWI), subsequent-offense driving while license suspended (DWLS) and open intoxicants.
Fuller has been arrested for third-offense OWI three previous times, said Oceana County Sheriff Craig Mast.
“He has five priors — four in calendar year 2020,” said Oceana County Prosecutor Joseph Bizon.
Judge Bradley G. Lambrix found Fuller guilty of five probation violations Monday, said Bizon. Violations include: operating without a license, operating while intoxicated, consuming/possessing alcohol, consuming alcohol while on SCRAM (Secured Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitoring), and interfering/tampering with SCRAM.
Sentencing guidelines do not apply to probation violation cases, said Bizon. However, Fuller is looking at a jail term of up to nine months for the underlying third-offense OWI charge. He will be sentenced at a later date by Judge Robert D. Springstead, said Bizon.
Fuller appeared in court Monday via Zoom video conferencing from the Oceana County Jail due to COVID-19 restrictions.
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