27th Circuit Court sentencings, Dec. 2, 2020.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
HART — The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:

– Steven Charles Wernstrom, 41, of 9151 W. Buchanan Rd., Shelby, was found guilty of probation violation and was sentenced Nov. 30 to 11 months in jail with credit for 62 days served and $458 in fines and costs. “When defendant has 90 days left to serve in jail, he may go to an inpatient rehab,” his court file states. “If defendant is successful, he shall be given day-for-day credit. If defendant is unsuccessful, he shall go back to jail immediately and complete his sentence.” Probation, which stems from a Feb. 10, 2020 conviction of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police, is revoked.

– Alan David Bystrom, 35, of 1313 N. 122nd Ave., Hart, was found guilty Oct. 5 of methamphetamine possession and was sentenced Nov. 30 to six months in jail with credit for 20 days served; driver’s license suspended one year/restricted after 60 days; one month probation; and $398 in fines and costs.
– Sandra Samantha Saldana, 32, of 1751 S. 200th Ave., Hesperia, was found guilty Sept. 15 of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police

and was sentenced Nov. 30 to one day in jail with credit for one day served; 10 months probation; and $458 in fines and costs. Saldana’s sentence is delayed until Oct. 4, 2021. “If defendant successfully completes probation, she shall be allowed to withdraw her plea to a felony and enter a plea to a misdemeanor,” her court file states.
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