A drive-through COVID-19 testing site at Hart High School last July. – OCP file photo.
47 new COVID-19 cases reported in Oceana County.
District Health Department #10 reported 47 new positive cases of COVID-19 Monday, Nov. 9.
Neighboring Newaygo County had 79 new cases reported Monday, according to DHD #10, and Mason County added 21 new coronavirus cases today.
DHD #10, which includes the counties of Crawford, Kalkaska, Lake, Manistee, Mason, Mecosta, Missaukee, Newaygo, Oceana, reported 294 new cases and four deaths in the 10-county jurisdiction from a time period of 3:01 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6, to 3 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9. Two of the deaths were in Newaygo County, and one of the new deaths was in Mason County, according the data.
Newaygo County has a cumulative total of 904 cases with 422 recoveries. Oceana County has a cumulative total of 778 cases with 503 recoveries. Mason County’s cumulative total is 330 with 132 recoveries.
“Recovered are based on whether individuals are still alive 30 days past the confirmed date,” states DHD #10’s website.
Newaygo and Oceana counties have each had six COVID-19 deaths, and Mason County has had five total.
The Muskegon County Health Department reports a total of 3,220 cumulative cases with 1,471 recoveries and 87 deaths as Friday, Nov. 6.
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