27th Circuit Court sentencings.
HART – The following were sentenced Monday, Nov. 2, by Judge Robert D. Springstead in 27th Circuit Court:

– Kyle Nathaniel Russell, 35, of 2145 Lakeshore Dr., Ludington, was found guilty April 20 of controlled substance possession less than 25 grams and was sentenced Nov. 2 to 17 months to four years in prison and $198 in fines and costs. One count of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police was dismissed.
– Joshua Steven Brock, 31, of 5551 South Shore Dr., Whitehall, was found guilty of probation violation and was sentenced Nov. 2 to two to four years in prison with credit for 456 days served in jail and $398 in

fines and costs. Probation, which stems from a Dec. 17, 2018 conviction of assault with a weapon, is revoked.
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