Walkerville school staff member tests positive for COVID-19.

September 29, 2020

Walkerville school staff member tests positive for COVID-19.

Affected grade level transitions to virtual learning.

WALKERVILLE — After a Walkerville Public Schools staff member tested positive for COVID-19 last week, the school announced this week it is “transitioning the affected grade level to virtual learning.”

The following post appeared on the school district’s Facebook page Thursday, Sept. 24:

“Good afternoon Wildcats. Today, Thursday Sept. 24, we were notified that a staff member had tested positive for COVID-19. We are working closely with our district health department. More information will be coming home with your student. We appreciate your understanding as we navigate this situation.”

The following post appeared on the school district’s Facebook page Monday, Sept. 28:

“Dear parents and guardians:

This year we knew was going to be a challenge. As you were aware, we had a positive test last week, and after consultation with the health department and additional tests this week we are transitioning the affected grade level to virtual learning. At this time no other recommendations have come from the health department regarding the rest of the school. We are continuing to work with them and will modify our response as recommended and needed. We appreciate your understanding as we continue navigating this situation.”

Voicemail messages left at the school by OCP were not immediately returned.

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