Shelby to interview 3 candidates for administrator position.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
SHELBY — The Shelby Village Council has narrowed down its search for a village administrator to three candidates — Mark Borden of Carson City, Michigan; Sherry Powell of Fremont; and Brady Selner of Norton Shores.
Bordon is the director of business operations for Physician Anesthesia Service in Lansing; Powell is assistant manager/city clerk for the City of Grant; and Selner is the planning and zoning director for Mason County, said Interim Village Administrator Bill Cousins.
The three finalists were selected from a field of 14 candidates, Counsins said during the Shelby Village council meeting Monday night, Sept. 28. “All three have some sort of government experience behind them.”
The council’s personnel committee met Thursday, Sept. 24, to informally interview the three candidates for the position.
“After the interviews, the committee discussed the performance of each of the candidates and the expectation of their success if offered the position of village administrator in Shelby,” states a memo from Cousins to the council.
The committee voted unanimously to recommend that the village council invite Borden, Powell and Selner to be formally interviewed by the council.
The council voted 6-0 (with one member absent) Monday night to schedule a special meeting in the time frame of Oct. 13-15 to conduct the formal interviews of Borden, Powell and Selner. Cousins will contact the candidates to see which day works best for their schedules.
UPDATE: Cousins announced Thursday, Oct. 1, that the administrator interviews will take place Tuesday, Oct. 13, starting at 5:30 p.m.
In order to have face-to-face interviews while maintaining social distancing, the interviews will take place at The Ladder Community Center at 65 N. State Street.
Shelby has been without a permanent village administrator for about two months following the resignation of Robert Widigan last July.
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