Delilah DeWylde to perform at New Era Farmers Market.

September 9, 2020

Delilah DeWylde to perform at New Era Farmers Market.

NEW ERA — The New Era Farmers Market is hosting rockabilly artist Delilah DeWylde Tuesday, Sept. 15, for the final market of the season.

The market will start at 4 p.m. and will feature two food vendors. Deb’s Cafe from Shelby will offer tasty lasagna, and Papa J’s Chili Dogs who won taste of Muskegon will serve up some award-winning fare.

The market will issue senior power of produce tokens. If you are age 62 or over, you can get $4 in tokens to purchase produce at the market for free. The market also accepts EBT and Double Up Food Bucks.

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