Weare Twp. supervisor election results remain the same following recount.

September 2, 2020

Weare Twp. supervisor election results remain the same following recount.

By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

HART — Oceana County Clerk Amy Anderson said a recount Wednesday morning, Sept. 2, for Weare Township supervisor yielded the same results as the Aug. 4 primary election.

“At the Board of Canvassers recount meeting, it was determined that the results remain the same,” said Anderson. “It was determined that Larry Doran is the nominated candidate to appear on the November ballot.”

The recount was initiated by candidate Dale Stevenson, who lost the election to Larry Doran 169-155, Anderson said.

The petitioner must have a “good faith belief” that he won the election in order to initiate a recount, she said.

The recount meeting took place in the Oceana County Board of Commissioners room, and members of the public were able to “tune in” via Zoom videoconferencing.

“In accordance with the Governor’s executive orders regarding limitations on in-person meetings of no more than 10 people, the public, media, and all other parties not explicitly scheduled to attend the meeting shall only be allowed to participate in the meeting via teleconference using audio only,” states a notice from the clerk’s office.

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