27th Circuit Court sentencings, Aug. 26, 2020.
By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.
HART — The following were sentenced recently in 27th Circuit Court:

Baleriano Barajas Garza, 50, of 1264 160th Ave., Hesperia, was found guilty June 15 of methamphetamine possession and was sentenced Aug. 10 to six months in jail with credit for two days served; driver’s license suspended 180 days/restricted after 30 days; and $398 in fines and costs.
Kortnye Ann Thompson, 29, of 8508 Robinhood Dr., Montague, was found guilty June 29 of illegal sale/use of a

financial transaction device and was sentenced Aug. 24 to 30 days in jail with credit for eight days served; 18 months probation; and $458 in fines and costs.
Sabahudin Duka, 40, of 3116 Wingate Dr., SE, Kentwood, Michigan, pleaded “no contest” June 29 to assaulting/resisting/obstructing police and operating while intoxicated and was sentenced Aug. 24 to 80 days in

jail with credit for three days served; 18 months probation; and $648 in fines and costs. Two additional counts of assaulting/resisting/obstructing police were dismissed. OWI conviction reportable to the Secretary of State (SOS).
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