Downtown Hart
HEART launches facade improvement grants.
HART – The Hart Economic and Redevelopment Team is now accepting applications for Facade Improvement Matching Grants funded by the Tax Increment Finance Authority District (TIFA).
In 2019, the City of Hart completed an Economic Development and Marketing Plan which identified the need to promote improvement and restoration of buildings within Hart’s historic central business district to help stimulate the business environment.
New in 2020, eligible commercial or mixed-use property owners/leaseholders within the City of Hart TIFA district, may apply for facade improvement grants.
“By improving the appearance of commercial and mixed-use properties, the program serves to improve the economic vitality of the TIFA District,” states Steve Bruch, Chair of the TIFA Board.
Grants are limited to exterior improvements such as restoration, brickwork, windows, painting, pavement, landscaping, awnings, doors, etc. All property improvement grants awarded will be up to 50 percent of the owner/leaseholder’s investment, requiring a matching expenditure by the owner or tenant.
Available funds will be allocated to be awarded during each budget year. There is no set minimum or maximum number of projects per year. Grant applications will be reviewed by the City of Hart TIFA Board monthly and the board will make all final grant-funding decisions.
Grant applications are available at Hart City Hall or online at www.takemetohart.org. Completed grant applications should be submitted to the Hart Economic Development Team (HEART) PO Box 449, Hart, MI 49420 or emailed to info@takemetohart.org.
For more information, contact Nichole Steel at nsteel@cityofhart.org or call 231-301-8449.
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