PSC hosts ‘Meet the Candidates’ Sept. 8.

August 17, 2020

PSC hosts ‘Meet the Candidates’ Sept. 8.

PENTWATER – The Pentwater Service Club (PSC) announced that it will again sponsor its “Meet the Candidates” Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 6 p.m. at the Pentwater Village Green.

The rain date is Thursday, Sept. 10.

Candidates running for offices in the Village of Pentwater and Pentwater Township have been invited to participate in the popular, voter-education event, which has been sponsored by the club since 1992. “The PSC has as one of its mandates to help area citizens become better informed about all things local, including elections,” said Juanita Pierman, former Village President and PSC member who is managing the event for the club. “The village and township have always been blessed with excellent candidates to fill positions vital to the continued success of our community, and this year is no different,” Pierman said. “Fourteen candidates are running for Pentwater village and township offices this year.”

Citizens can participate in this year’s Meet the Candidates event either in person at The Village Green, or via the Internet on Facebook Live. “Elections are critical to our Democracy, and this year we’ve created two safe venues for participants to get the information they need to make informed choices,” said Glenn Beavis, president of the PSC.

Persons attending the event on the Village Green should plan to arrive before 6 p.m.; must wear and mask; and should bring their own chair. Those attending the event via the Internet, need to have a computer or smart phone and can attend the event virtually by going to the Facebook app and typing in Pentwater Service Club in the search bar.

Candidates will each be given time to express in their own words why they are running for office, and what they hope to accomplish, if elected. Participants can ask questions of the candidates, either in person using provided question-cards, or through the Facebook Live application.

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