Deputies busy with crashes at the dunes over the weekend.

August 10, 2020

Deputies busy with crashes at the dunes over the weekend.

GOLDEN TOWNSHIP — The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office responded to five separate injury-causing crashes at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes over the weekend, according to accident reports.

A 29-year-old Black Creek, Wisconsin man appeared to sustain a broken collar bone following a KTM 250 XS dirt bike crash Saturday, Aug. 8, at 11:45 a.m., according to the report.

“(The) driver of the dirt bike advised he was traveling southbound on the dunes near the pedestrian boundary area in some trails. He stated a UTV cut across in front of him. He advised they didn’t see each other because of the trees in the trail. He advised he tried to accelerate to get out of the way. Driver was ejected from the dirt bike. Upon falling, he landed on his left shoulder. Per EMS, the collar bone appears to be broken. He was going to self-transport from this location to Hackley Hospital.”

The man was wearing a helmet, the report states.

The second crash over the weekend occurred Saturday shortly after 8 p.m. A 29-year-old Whitmore Lake, Michigan woman riding a 2015 Honda CRF 450R dirt bike was injured.

“(The) driver of vehicle 1 was northbound across the north flats,” the report’s narrative states. “She did not see a tree branch which was partially buried in the sand. The dirt bike collided with the tree branch and caused the bike to flip and the driver to be ejected. The driver had back pain and was transported to Hackley Hospital by Life EMS.”

She was wearing a helmet.

The third crash occurred Sunday, Aug. 9, at 1:20 p.m. A 30-year-old Midland man operating a 2018 Yamaha Kodiak 400 was injured during a collision with 2018 Can Am X3 driven by a 28-year-old Bellevue man.

“Vehicle 1 (the Can Am) was traveling southbound on the dunes near the tree area. Vehicle was was negotiating a curve on a trail. Vehicle 2 (the Kodiak) was traveling northbound negotiating a curve. Vehicle 1 did not see vehicle 2. Vehicle 1’s driver’s side collided with Vehicle 2’s front passenger tire of the quad. The driver of vehicle 2 sustained an injury and advised his wife would transport him to the hospital. Vehicle 2 was not driveable.”

A 23-year-old Nashville, Michigan man was a passenger on the Can Am. He was not injured. The two men on the Can Am were not wearing helmets, but the man on the Kodiak was wearing a helmet.

A fourth crash on the dunes happened Sunday around 3:15 p.m. A 23-year-old Linden, Michigan man riding a 2019 Can-Am Outlander quad was injured.

“He was driving southbound up the north side of Test Hill when he caught a rut and rolled the quad on top of him, causing a deep laceration in his left forearm. He came down to the ORV parking lot and was given gauze pads for the injury. He then advised he would be self-transporting to a hospital.”

The fifth crash happened Sunday at 6:45 p.m. A 29-year-old Shelby Township, Michigan man riding a 1986 Honda 350 was transported by Life EMS to Mercy Health Partners Hackley Campus in Muskegon.

He was traveling south near Mt. Baldy, the report states. “The driver advised the vehicle went over a hill and became airborne. He was ejected from the vehicle. He landed on the ground and sustained a back injury. The three-wheeler collided with the ground and rolled.”

The man was wearing a helmet.

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