Blood drive in Pentwater Aug. 6.

July 28, 2020

Blood drive in Pentwater Aug. 6.

PENTWATER — The American Red Cross will conduct a blood drive Thursday, Aug. 6, from noon to 5:45 p.m. at the VFW Post 6017, at 8440 North US 31 Business Route.

Both area residents and summer visitors are welcome. The Pentwater Service Club is again providing volunteer staff support in memory of one of its former members, the late Bill Duncan.

“Earlier this year, several hundred blood drives in Michigan were cancelled due to COVID,” said Service Club President Glenn Beavis. “This really limited the state’s blood supply, and our club is happy to again be doing our part to help assure adequate supplies in our area.”

For information or to make an appointment, visit; the sponsor code is PWVFW.  Or call ‪1-800-RED CROSS‬ (‪1-800-733-2767‬).

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