Township races heat up in August election.

July 24, 2020

Township races heat up in August election.

By Allison Scarbrough, Editor.

OCEANA COUNTY — There are several races at the township level in the Aug. 4 primary election.

In Shelby Township, Star Blohm and Richard Raffaelli are seeking the supervisor position. Five candidates are vying for two trustee positions: Dianne Blohm, Caleb Coulter, Scott Meyers, Kenneth Near and Cynthia Rapes.

In Golden Township, there are contested races for trustee and treasurer. Competing for the treasurer position are Connie Cargill and LuAnn Mitteer. Three are vying for two trustee positions: Gary Beggs, Michael Cook and Bill Kolenda.

In Grant Township, Shannon Beishuizen and Amy Martell face off for the clerk position.

In Greenwood Township, Jamie Holcomb and Jeffrey Hunt vie for supervisor. Stacey Budde, Alan Deater and Steven Stroven seek election to two trustee seats.

In Weare Township, Larry Doran and Dale Stevenson face off for the supervisor position. Four candidates are seeking election to two trustee positions: Tom Sayles, Gary Hilbert, Andy Patterson and Mark Seeback. Sayles is a democrat, and the other three are running as republicans.

Several township candidates filed as “No Party Affiliation” (NPA) will appear on the November ballot, according to the Oceana County Clerk’s Office.

Benona has two NPA candidates for November; Greenwood, one; Hart two; Leavitt, five; Otto, one; and Pentwater, eight.

Township elections in Oceana County:

(R denotes republican, D is democrat)

Supervisor: Steven W. Fleming R
Clerk: Margie Shaw R
Treasurer: Brandi Neuman R
Trustee (2): John Russell Smith R, Warren W. VanOverBeke R

Supervisor: Daniel Lombard R
Clerk: No candidate
Treasurer: Cheryl A. Rabe R
Trustee (2): David Rabe R and no candidate

Supervisor: Robert W. Wade R
Clerk: Larry Burmeister D
Treasurer: Robert Abbott R
Trustee (2): Stuart D. Overway D and Bradley Norton R

Supervisor: No candidate
Clerk: No candidate
Treasurer: Catherine Walker D
Trustee (2): Rosalie Sauser D, Gaye Sorenson D and Tom Oomen R

Supervisor: Craig Herremans R
Clerk: Stephanie VanSickle R
Treasurer: Vicki Koch R
Trustee (2): Eric Herrygers R and Lance VanSickle R

Supervisor: David Allen Schmeiding R
Clerk: William Jessup R
Treasurer: Brenda Dickman R
Trustee (2): Milton Kreigh R and Jessica Woodworth R

Supervisor: Carl A. Fuehring R
Clerk: Rachel Iteen R
Treasurer: Connie Cargill R and LuAnn Mitteer R
Trustee (2): Gary Beggs R, Michael Cook R and Bill Kolenda R

Supervisor: Roger W. Schmidt R
Clerk: Shannon Beishuizen R and Amy Martell R
Treasurer: Joanne Heck R
Trustee (2): James Aebig R and Joan Brooks R

Supervisor: Jamie Holcomb R and Jeffrey Hunt R
Clerk: No candidate
Treasurer: Sandra Gustman D
Trustee (2): Stacey Kay Budde R, Alan T. Deater R and Steven Stroven R

Supervisor: Jay McGhan R
Clerk: Steven P. Freed R
Treasurer: Todd E. Metzler R
Trustee (2): Douglas R. Fuehring R and Cal Moul R

Supervisor: no candidate
Clerk: no candidate
Treasurer: no candidate
Trustee: no candidates

Supervisor: Joan David R
Clerk: Nancy L. Conley R
Treasurer: Tami Ballatyne D
Trustee (2): Rishard Roberson D and John F. Clark R

Supervisor: No candidate
Clerk: Patricia A. Budde
Treasurer: Charlene G. Martin R
Trustee (2): Kathy Eichenberg R and Mary Justian-Murray R

Supervisor: no candidate
Clerk: Sue Ann Johnson R
Treasurer: no candidate
Trustee (2): Michael W. Flynn R and Dean Holub R

Supervisor: Star Blohm R and Richard Raffaelli R
Clerk: Marilyn Glover R
Treasurer: Roger Gowell R
Trustee (2): Dianne Blohm R, Caleb J. Coulter R, Scott Meyers R, Kenneth Near R and Cynthia Rapes R

Supervisor: Larry Doran R and Dale A. Stevenson R
Clerk: Melanie M. Sayles D
Treasurer: Linda Dykema D
Trustee (2): Tom Sayles D, Gary Hilbert R, Andy Patterson R and Mark Seeback R

The primary election determines candidates at the local, state and federal levels for the general election, Nov. 3.

“Voters are encouraged to vote from home with an absentee ballot,” states the Michigan Secretary of State website. In-person voting will be available in every jurisdiction. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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