Reader encourages legislators to support human trafficking bill

July 17, 2020

Reader encourages legislators to support human trafficking bill

Letters to the editor are the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Media Group 31, LLC, owner of Mason County Press. See MCP/OCP’s op/ed/letter to the editor policy for more details. 

Dear Editor,

Human trafficking is occurring within our communities.  Human trafficking encompasses sex trafficking, forced labor and domestic servitude.  Traffickers will take anyone.  They go after our men, women, and children.  Millions are affected by the trafficking trade.  Between the years 2012-2016, 6,181 calls came into the National Human Trafficking Hotline in connection to hotels and motels.

Did you know that in the State of Michigan human trafficking is the second largest criminal enterprise after drugs?  Did you know that our Hotels and Motels are frequently used by traffickers to support their horrific trade?

I am a mental health professional and have seen firsthand what trafficking will do to someone physically, emotionally, and mentally.  It is an enterprise that has been identified as modern day slavery.

Right now, there is a bill sitting in the (Michigan Senate) Judiciary and Public Safety Committee that needs your support.  This bill is SB 0776 Hospitality Education Against Trafficking Act. SB 0776 will require owners, operators, and employees of hotels to be trained to identify potential victims of human trafficking and recognize activities associated with trafficking.

Our community, the members and partners deserve safety.  By supporting SB 0776 you are not only fighting against modern day slavery, you are also enhancing our communities.

Please contact our State Senator Jon Bumstead and our State Representative Scott VanSigel to encourage that SB 0776 be reviewed and passed.

Jon Bumstead

4600 Binsfeld Bldg

Post Office Box 30036

Lansing, MI 48909

Phone: (517) 373-1635


Representative Scott VanSigel

S-1289 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909

Phone: (517) 373-7317


Thank you,

Melissa Grondsma



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