Historic cruise resumes service on Pentwater Lake.‬

July 7, 2020

Historic cruise resumes service on Pentwater Lake.‬

PENTWATER — Pentwater residents and visitors can again learn about the area’s history going back 400 years as they enjoy a one-hour boat ride. Pentwater’s free water taxi service has resumed on Wednesdays through Sundays, and the boat is again being used from 4:45–5:45 p.m. on these five days for history cruises.‬
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‪The tours are led by one of several, local, resident volunteers who believe that knowing something about the area’s fascinating history makes Pentwater an even better place to “come for a day, a week or a life,” which is the village’s tagline.  ‬
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‪“We begin each history cruise at the dock at the end of Third Street; motor down the channel, briefly into Lake Michigan if weather permits, and then circle about half of Pentwater Lake,” said Ron Beeber, one of the volunteer docents. “As we pass various sites along the way, we talk about what was once there many years ago.” Visitors are encouraged to visit the admission-free Pentwater Historical Museum, where they can see related photos and artifacts.  ‬
‪Topics include what attracted the first settlers of European decent, the “White Elephant,” Pentwater’s three movie theatres, the ferry and swing bridge across the channel, nearby Dumaw Creek that is so historically significant that it’s on the National Register of Historic Places, a local horse race track that operated for 35 years, where someone tried to set up an airplane factory in the Village, the railroad depot, and Coast Guard station.  ‬

‪“Over the years, Pentwater has proven to be a scrappy community as it’s evolved through periods of forestry; the production of lumber, wood shingles, bricks and furniture; shipping, agriculture and tourism,” Beeber added.‬
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‪A history cruise ticket costs $10, which helps pay to operate the boat some 60 hours a week, and are purchased from Captain Lee Price at the boat. More information is posted on the Pentwater Water Taxi page on Facebook.  ‬

‪History cruise docents happily accept donations for the Pentwater Historical Society because contributions are the PHS’s sole means of support. And COVID-19 is hurting the society’s ability to raise the funds it needs to operate. The museum is open Thursday through Saturday from 1-4 p.m., and is located at 85 Rutledge Street, three blocks east of the post office. More history-related information is found at www.pentwaterhistoricalsociety.org or on the Pentwater Historical Society Museum Facebook page.‬

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