5 injury-causing crashes at the dunes over the weekend.

June 29, 2020

5 injury-causing crashes at the dunes over the weekend.

GOLDEN TOWNSHIP — The Oceana County Sheriff’s Office responded to five ATV crashes — mirroring the previous weekend’s crash total — at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes over the weekend.

The first crash occurred Saturday, June 27, just before noon. A 21-year-old Clarkston, Michigan man operating a 2019 Polaris RZR injured his hand, according to the Oceana County Sheriff’s Office accident report. His passenger was a 15-year-old Belding, Michigan boy.

“The driver advised that he was south on the directional hills at the Silver Lake Sand Dunes,” the report states. “The driver advised that he drove over tire tracks from another vehicle which caused him to lose control of his Polaris RZR. The vehicle overturned and the driver suffered injuries to his left hand. The ATV was not damaged.”

The second crash occurred Saturday shortly before 3:30 p.m. A 26-year-old Saint John’s, Michigan man operating a 2013 Polaris RZR and his passenger — a 21-year-old Grand Ledge, Michigan man — were injured, the report states.

“The ATV was south over Test Hill on the Silver Lake Sand Dunes,” states the report. “The ATV crested the ridge line of the hill and became airborne. The ATV landed on its nose and rolled end-over-end approximately four times before coming to rest. Both the driver and the passenger had minor lacerations and complained of pain in their back and neck.”

Crash #3 occurred Saturday around 9 p.m., causing minor injuries to 19-year-old Lainsburg, Michigan man and an 18-year-old Lainsburg, Michigan man who were on a 2013 Polaris RZR.

“The driver (the 19-year-old) was south on the Silver Lake Sand Dunes driving over the directional hills,” the report states. “The back side of the directional hill where the crash occurred had been eroded by wind and cut out exposing a crevice. The ATV struck the crevice and immediately came to a stop. The front suspension of the vehicle was torn from the mounts and folded under the ATV before the vehicle came to rest.”

The fourth weekend crash happened Sunday, June 28, at 8 p.m. A 27-year-old Grand Rapids woman operating a 2018 Yamaha Kodiak 450 was injured.

“Vehicle 1 was traveling southbound across the dunes at the ‘Witches Eye,'” the report states. “Vehicle 1 came over the hill and became airborne. The front tires of Vehicle 1 landed first and caused the driver to jam her jaw on the handlebars of the four wheeler. The driver sustained injuries to her jaw and was transported to Hackley Hospital. There was no damage to the four wheeler.”

The final dunes crash of the weekend occurred just 11 minutes later. A Goshen, Indiana man his passenger — a 33-year-old Monrovia, Indiana woman – were injured on a 2017 Polaris RZR.

“Vehicle 1 was traveling southbound in the ‘Y Valley,'” the report states. “Vehicle 1 went over a hill and became airborne. The vehicle landed with its front passenger tire first, and then began to roll. The vehicle rolled multiple times and came to rest with the driver’s side down and the vehicle facing northeast. The driver sustained a slight injury to his right knee. The passenger had a laceration to her left shin and under her right armpit. They were not treated by EMS.”

Related story here

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