Hesperia graduation set for July 16.

May 20, 2020

Hesperia graduation set for July 16.

HESPERIA — The Hesperia High School Class of 2020 will have its graduation ceremony Thursday evening, July 16, at the football field.

The school district announced the plans Wednesday, May 20.

“The school board heard the ideas that were developed by our graduation committee and approved holding a graduation ceremony on July 16,” states a post on the Hesperia Community Schools Facebook page. “Our goal is to provide a memorable graduation experience for our graduates and to keep everyone safe at the same time. Please keep in mind that all planning is tentative and subject to change as we continue to be impacted by COVID-19. A big ‘Thank You’ to the planning committee for their assistance in putting this together.

“Graduates and their family members will practice social distancing by being in their car on the football field. More details about this will come. A limited number of guests will be in the bleachers also practicing social distancing. The ceremony will include as many of the traditional aspects of graduation as possible.

“After the ceremony is completed, graduates and their parents will participate in a parade originating in the football field, traveling through the parking lot to main street, and proceeding through town. We will ask the police to stop traffic so the graduates have the road all to themselves.

“We know these are trying times. Our committee is committed to making this ceremony as memorable as possible for our graduates.”

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