Oceana County resident dies from COVID-19.

April 6, 2020

Oceana County resident dies from COVID-19.

District Health Department #10 received notification that an Oceana County resident has died from COVID-19, states a press release issued Monday, April 6.

The individual was a man in his 70s who was hospitalized at Mercy Health Partners Mercy campus in Muskegon since March 26 and died today, states the press release.

Pentwater Public Schools Superintendent/Principal Scott Karaptian said that the person who died Monday is not the school employee who tested positive for COVID-19.

“Our deepest sympathies go out to the family who lost their loved one,” said Kevin Hughes, DHD#10 Health Officer. “We urge everyone to continue taking this public health crisis very seriously by following all executive orders and stay home unless absolutely necessary.”

As of Sunday afternoon, April 5, there were 32 positive COVID-19 cases in the DHD#10 10-county, including three positive cases in Oceana with 14,225 confirmed cases in Michigan and 540 confirmed deaths in Michigan.

DHD#10 reminds everyone that it is critical that we protect each other, support each other, and work together to slow the spread of this disease. Strong community mitigation and prevention measures are already in place, and we urge residents to continue to follow recommendations:

• Stay at home. Do not leave home except for essential tasks such as getting groceries or seeking medical care.
• If you must go out, stay at least 6 feet away from others and avoid any gatherings.
• Wash your hands often and well, especially after being away from home, coughing, or sneezing.
• Do not touch your face or mouth, especially when away from home.
• Check on others. Call your loved ones and neighbors who are most at risk and see how they are doing. If they require something essential, see how you can help.

“As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the state, we should assume that it is present in every community. While testing is ongoing, the state is requiring clinicians to follow new CDC guidance for prioritizing tests due to limits on testing supplies.
DHD#10 continues to provide the latest information at www.dhd10.org. Michigan updates are available at www.michigan.gov/coronavirus, and national updates are at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus.”

This story is copyrighted © 2020, all rights reserved by Media Group 31, LLC, PO Box 21, Scottville, MI 49454. No portion of this story or images may be reproduced in any way, including print or broadcast, without expressed written consent.

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